Join Us July 6th for the 8th Annual Nice Fest at Oyster Shell Park

Category: Entertainment

Analisa Ewald
Annalisa Ewald is a professional classical guitarist in Connecticut who performs throughout the New York Metropolitan area. Annalisa’s classical guita…
Belly Dance – Tava
Tava is a lifelong dancer who began studying bellydance in 2000.  In addition to teaching, performing and mentoring, she enjoys using the dance a…
Norwalk Poet Laureate
Longtime Norwalker William Hayden regularly participates in Curley’s Dinner Poetry Group in Stamford, the Poetry Salon at the Fairfield Public Library…
Radio KLEZ
The eight members of Radio KLEZ will lead you on a musical journey through the long-forgotten Yiddish roots of southern Connecticut. Listening to Radi…
Pluck & Rail
Pluck & Rail is the acoustic intersection of Andrew Sussman of the prog-rock heavyweights, Frogg Café, and George Gierer of the folkabilly band, S…
Eddie Turner & Trouble
Born in Cuba and raised in Chicago, Eddie “Devil Boy” Turner first picked up a guitar at the age of 12. He honed his craft growing up in Chicago, and …
New Kingston
New Kingston is a progressive reggae group whose members combine their Jamaican heritage with the urban sounds of their New York home, New Kingston ar…